cook healthy

A new app to help people cook healthy more often.


My Roles

Skills Used

June 2022 - August 2022

UX Researcher and Designer

User research, wireframing, prototyping, Figma


Learning to cook healthy meals is overwhelming

Every year, people try to lose weight and/or eat healthier. However, studies show that out of the people who attempt to change their diets, 80% of people are unsuccessful at sustaining this change long-term.


Make healthy choices easier


Equip people to change their diets long-term.

Competitive Analysis

The competition made people increase time and money spent, which led to abandonment.

I analyzed 3 healthy food recipe websites. These websites all focused on the goal of changing people’s diets to become healthier. However, time and/or money spent increased when implementing their tips or products. It was time-consuming to find specific recipes based on allergies, dietary restrictions or shared ingredient meal plans. It was expensive to get prepped ingredients delivered.

User Interviews

Users want healthy choices to be more convenient.


I conducted interviews with 5 people, 2 of those participants had dietary restrictions. I primarily focused on these KPI’s to analyze usability.

Time on Task: How much time users spend picking a recipe and creating a meal plan.

System Usability Scale: Customer feedback on a scale of 1 to 10.





How might we save time and money in planning and executing a healthy recipe?

final design

Figma prototype

Style Guide

conclusion + lessons learned


Did we equip the user to cook healthy more often? Yes, users cooked an average of 2 more meals per week, saving them an average of $50/week.

The Cook Healthy app helped users cook healthy more often by giving them tools such as filter options, suggested recipes and simple meal plans.

What I learned

Users want to do minimal work.

Many insights during testing showed that users want to do less - less typing, minimal steps to finish their tasks. This insight sparked new ideas and led to better design decisions.

Giving users options saves time.

Once the user was able to save their preferences and dietary restrictions, it saved time when searching for recipes. These preferences also gave more accurate search results.

Next Steps

To encourage cooking habits, I would like to include instant positive reinforcement. Some ideas that would be fun to add:

  • Rewards

    • After a meal is cooked, earn a star to use towards rewards.

    • Rewards could be grocery coupons or free grocery delivery.

  • Goal Tracker

    • Set goals such as cooking 3x a week and show visual progress towards the goal.

    • Have encouraging notifications to reach goals.

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